About Us

Sweet Birch Counselling and Wellness was created by colleagues who have been providing counselling in health clinics and the non-profit sector. We came together to form a private practice so that we are able to work with clients on a longer term and as-needed basis. Additionally, we are each interested in developing our counselling practices in the areas of our individual interests and expertise.
Some of the areas we have training and experience in include:
Reproductive experiences, including miscarriage and abortion
Parenting, including deciding whether, when and how to parent
Sexual Assault
Childhood Abuse
Relationship Violence
Healthy Relationships, Communication and Assertiveness
Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Personal Growth
Perfectionism and Self-Compassion
Emotional Literacy and Regulation
Life Transitions
Self Esteem and Worth
Grief and Loss

“Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves”. thich nhat hanh
Choose Sweet Birch

Each of our counsellors has a practice informed by years of experience working in nonprofits and health clinics.
As such we have collectively witnessed the stories, struggles and strengths of thousands of people (mostly other women but otherwise a much wider range of people than most counsellors in private practice would get the opportunity to see), and we know the importance of down-to-earth, non-judgemental and affordable counselling.
“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak”. audre lorde
Healing Properties of Sweet Birch

Sweet Birch (Betula Lenta) is a species of tree native to North America with a dark aromatic bark. It is known for its fresh uplifting scent of wintergreen and has a wide range of medicinal uses.
We chose the name Sweet Birch because the tree’s properties seemed well aligned with our vision of the benefits of therapy:
“Lenta” from the Latin lenis, means “tough but flexible": speaks to the idea of resilience
Anti-inflammatory: helps to relieve pain
A remedy for respiratory problems: promotes breathing easily and deeply
Used for stomachache: assists in “digesting” life experiences
An antiseptic/disinfectant: clears away and protects against harmful elements
Stimulates nervous system: lifts feelings of depression and lowers agitation
The sap is tapped to make syrup or sugar: allows us to experience the sweetness in life